的 Remote Interview: How to Get Results from a Distance


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COVID-19 pandemic 改变了彩宝网平台在各行各业、公共生活和私人生活中做事的方式吗. 彩宝网平台在如何远距离工作方面很有创意. Some miss the old ways, 但, perhaps 令人惊讶的是, 彩宝网平台还找到了新的、更好的方式来照常开展业务.

Law enforcement and 调查 are no exception. As the pandemic continues and life moves on, 彩宝网平台在延森休斯的团队必须在进行采访支持调查的方式上有所创新. Remote interviews are now part of our everyday lives. With the right tactics and tools, 彩宝网平台的面试官已经学会了从远程面试和面对面面试中获得同样有用的结果. 彩宝网平台认为分享彩宝网平台所学到的一些见解可能会对其他有类似目标的人有所帮助.

的 Pandemic Paradigm Shift

Although pandemic conditions are a temporary hindrance, many of the changes it brought about are permanent. 新系统在当今技术先进的世界中工作得更好,更有意义. 中央办公室的概念已经消失,远程和混合模式继续发展.

调查 have followed suit. 当远程采访成为疫情期间的默认做法时, investigators found they offered many advantages. 例如,尽快进行面试符合每个人的最佳利益. Delays can introduce vulnerabilities, such as:

  • Difficulty tracking and tracing evidence
  • Accidental or purposeful loss of evidence
  • Decreased recall of the event
  • Burnout among investigators
  • 对组织和客户的监管或声誉风险

远程面试消除了许多权宜之计的障碍,包括出差. Whether on a video meeting or on the phone, 面试官通常可以在更短的时间内与被面试者面对面交谈.

另外, 省去差旅为客户和组织节省了宝贵的资金,这些资金可用于支付与调查相关的其他费用.


尽管你会实施许多与你面对面使用的相同策略, 遵循以下步骤可以帮助确保远程调查采访的成功:

1. Identify the right setting: Whether you will be at home, at your office, in an 调查 room or anywhere else, 确保你有一个不受打扰的私人和安静的空间. 在安排面试的时候,告诉面试者他们也应该这样做.

2. Get your technology up to speed:提前做好一切工作,以避免系统出现延迟或质量问题——从网络连接到相机和语音控制. 请一位同事帮助你进行技术演练. 要求受访者确保他们的关系和设备也有效和到位. 在可能的情况下,为系统建立备份计划. Be prepared to switch platforms (e.g., Teams/Zoom) if necessary.

3. Pay attention to how you will present on the screen: Test the camera before the call starts. Avoid deep shadows or intense sunlight. Either select a neutral background, 比如在后墙上画一幅简单的画,或者利用Teams等呼叫平台上提供的打包屏幕背景.

4. Keep body language in mind试着直接坐在镜头前,身体前倾以建立联系和存在感. 计划在电话开始时至少花一分钟的时间,确保你能恰当地看到被面试者,他们也能看到你.

5. Silence alerts and notifications这些最有可能来自你的手机、电脑或其他附近的设备. Also be sure to secure pets in other rooms and, if you have children at home with you, that they’re not going to interrupt your session.

6. Dress the part你可能在家,但你的衣服应该显示你有工作要做. 穿职业装有助于定下面试的基调.

7. Employ professional conduct再次:, your setting shouldn’t determine your clothes, and it shouldn’t determine your conduct either. This is a professional video or phone call. 你应该表现得像在专业场合一样,即使你是在厨房的餐桌上.

8. Preparation is key: If you have photographs, 记录, documents or props to share with the subject, do so directly before or during the interview. If you need a translator or other supplementary help, 提前安排,并确保你能让对方参与到电话中来.

9. Diffuse any discomfort with the remote format在调查开始时,可以考虑“打破沉默”,简单地询问受访者是否对环境感到满意,以及他们是否需要做出任何调整以使讨论更富有成效. 了解对方是否焦虑或不舒服是帮助你调整面试方式的重要信息.g.,计划,语气,问题的顺序,以及“闲聊”——来达到你的面试目标.

Finally, don’t settle for mediocrity. 如果你在电话中没有达到你的目标,重新安排后续的讨论. 或者,在某些情况下,让后续工作进行面对面的面试. 在与大流行相关的协议之外,可能没有理由不这样做. 好消息是你现在可以选择进行调查采访, 令人惊讶的是, the remote option in many cases may be the superior one.

Headshot of 马克Giuffre

关于 the author

马克Giuffre, CFE, CAMS, CPP,具有调查背景的高级总监. 他受过训练, experienced and certified in financial, 欺诈, money laundering, asset forfeiture and security programs.